> On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 10:17:50AM +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
> > > > What's the status of the 0.113/114 releases? I'd like to start to
> > > > working on the python3 builds for Fedora 30 sooner rather than
> > > > later.
> > >
> > > Stalled on sugar-toolkit-gtk3 port from static to PyGObject
> > > introspection for Telepathy.
> > >
> > > There's still no Python 3 support for the static binding in the
> > > Telepathy project, though the binding has been ported to Python 3 by
> > > our developer Rahul.  So porting to PyGObject seems like the right way
> > > to go.  It is in progress.  PRs #389 and #383.
> > >
> > > With only myself and Rahul looking at this, I'd guess another few
> > > months before a release with Python 3 support.  I'll put it down for
> > > discussion at the weekly meeting.
> >
> > OK, well keep me in the loop, people have already started the hack and
> > slash of what they feel as redundant pyhthon2 only dependencies in
> > Fedora 30. This has affected sugar-toolkit through the use of
> > gnome-python2-rsvg which affects the Activities below, we might be
> > able to get a minor window of relief on that but I'm not convinced.
> Yes, we saw that in the past year in Debian; the very few lines of
> source that make up the Rsvg static binding were embedded in something
> else rather than as a separate package or as part of Rsvg.

We had a stay of execution, it was actually a mistake, it was some
other package that was meant to get retired. Should be fixed soon.

> So OLPC lost the benefit of upstreaming sugar-toolkit (Sugar Toolkit
> for GTK+ 2), and now I maintain a custom or derivative package.
> I did offer to maintain the Rsvg static binding, but was told this was
> not welcome.
> In retrospect, it was suboptimal organisation of source code in
> earlier GNOME.
> > I noticed the new Moon 19 activity has moved to Javascript but I have
> > no idea how that works from a packaging dependency or Sugar bindings
> > PoV (does it use gjs?) and don't have the time to dig into it
> > unfortunately. Kalpa can you assist here?
> No, not gjs.  Package should continue to depend on sugar-toolkit-gtk3,
> as it calls /usr/bin/sugar-activity-web, which uses WebKit2.

Ah, yes, I remember this web activity concept now. Cool, will update it.

> I thought there was a Javascript activity already in Fedora somewhere,
> but I don't have a Fedora system handy to find out; grep for a file
> path pattern of "lib/sugar-web"
> > I was already considering dropping anything requiring the original
> > sugar-toolkit from the default spin for an upcoming release so maybe
> > we just need to go through the list below and work out which are
> > likely to be migrated to gtk3 or JS and possibly just retire the rest?
> > Thoughts?
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2018-July/055529.html
> was my last review of this list.  I've reviewed again and the changes
> are small; Flipsticks port progressed but still unfinished, Labyrinth
> embeds source which is upstream of Sugar Labs, Sri Lanka is new to the
> list, as is Starchart.
> Given the pitiful progress over three months, you may have to retire
> all these GTK2+ activities from Fedora.  If you decide that, let me
> know, and I can post a final warning in a separate thread calling for
> maintainers.
> Full review of your list again below.
> Port completed = 6
> Port needed or in progress = 6
> Port planned = 1
> Missing maintainer = 11
> No GitHub repository yet = 2
> > sugar-calendario-0:4-14.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port planned.  Missing maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/calendario/issues/1
> > sugar-castle-0:23-12.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port needed.  No GitHub repository yet.  Missing maintainer.
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4397
> > sugar-connect-0:22-22.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port needed.  No GitHub repository yet.  Missing maintainer.
> http://dev.laptop.org/git/projects/connect-activity/
> > sugar-countries-0:33-15.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/countries-activity
> > sugar-deducto-0:9-13.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/deducto
> > sugar-flipsticks-0:13-12.fc29.noarch
> Some change.  Port in progress.  Code changes pending.  Missing maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/flipsticks/pull/3
> > sugar-kuku-0:5-8.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port needed.  Missing maintainer.
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/kukuanakula
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4526
> > sugar-labyrinth-0:16-10.fc29.noarch
> Some change.  Embeds Labyrinth upstream sources.  Labyrinth upstream
> has not finished porting yet.  A partial port by a GCI student is in
> our repository but doesn't work.  Missing maintainer.
> https://github.com/labyrinth-team/labyrinth
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/labyrinth-activity
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/labyrinth-activity/issues/1
> > sugar-moon-0:18-2.fc29.noarch
> Some change.  Port completed.  Released.  Use v19.
> > sugar-playgo-0:5-18.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/playgo-activity
> > sugar-srilanka-0:3-8.fc29.noarch
> Some change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing
> maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/iknowSriLanka
> > sugar-starchart-0:16-9.fc29.noarch
> Some change.  Port in progress.  Code changes pending.  Missing
> maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/starchart/pull/6
> > sugar-view-slides-0:8-19.fc29.noarch
> No change.  Port completed.  Upstream release needed.  Missing maintainer.
> https://github.com/sugarlabs/viewslides
> > sugar-xomail
> No change.  Port needed.  No GitHub repository yet.  Missing maintainer.
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sweetmail (abandoned work in progress)
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
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