On Mon, 18 Jun 2012 20:09:43 +0100 Neil Morgenstern 
<neil.morgenstern.2...@gmail.com> wrote:

NM> I don't think you can just rip it out of the code because people may well
NM> be using code relying on it being there.

 It is defined in a private soci-backend.h header, is it really a serious
concern that some code using undocumented symbols from this header might be
broken? Moreover, how exactly would it be used anyhow? I don't see any
non-artificial way to make use of it outside SOCI, do you?

 IMHO the only thing that matters is that the code using parameters of
all primitive types (including unsigned ones) should continue to work and
this would be the case.

NM> I do remember wishing that in parts the code was less fragile on type and
NM> we had to modify our code to make it so - actually most of the code was
NM> using long as the integral type so we essentially allowed it for any
NM> integral value that could convert to long without overflow.

 Well, unsigned long could be converted to long, as I wrote. IMO it's much
better to represent it in the same way as long at the database level
instead of using int64 for it.

 Anyhow, please let me know how would any existing code be broken by the
proposed change.


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