On Sun, 24 Mar 2013 01:13:10 -0300 Ricardo Fabiano de Andrade 
<ricardofabianodeandr...@gmail.com> wrote:

RFdA> Currently, I'm working with googletest. It's suprisingly simple to
RFdA> get used to and extremely produtive.

 What are the advantages of Google Test compared to Boost.Test? I know that
you mentioned testing template classes but I've never had any problems with
this when using Boost.Test so I'm not sure what is this about exactly. And
when in doubt, I'd rather choose a Boost library over a Google one for
several reasons.

RFdA> BTW, soci has been mentioned in the papers/proposals of the next C++
RFdA> standard (see N3612).

 I didn't see this one yet, thanks! Here is the link for the lazy:


RFdA> Finally, the idea behind CATCH (a single header) is awesome but in my
RFdA> opinion the framework is too immature right now.

 As I said, I don't have much experience of using it in real projects yet
so it could definitely be the case, but could you please explain what
exactly do you mean, i.e. how does its immaturity manifest itself?


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