On Mon, 8 Apr 2013 16:56:20 +0100 Mateusz Loskot <mate...@loskot.net> wrote:

ML> > ML> Neither CATCH nor Turtle seems to be packaged,
ML> >
ML> >  Again, CATCH is not packaged because it doesn't need packaging, this is
ML> > the appealing part.
ML> I meant packages deploying, like its common to have Boost headers packaged.

 I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't realize you were already
using the same approach with TUT (which, BTW, I didn't spend much time on
just because the example on http://tut-framework.sourceforge.net/ is pretty
weird-looking, at least compared to the one at
https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/wiki/Tutorial), so I just wanted to
emphasize this, IMHO important, aspect.

ML> BTW, I know Phil is going to give talks about CATCH during a few upcoming
ML> conferences in UK, so that is a good indicator the project is active.

 Also, knowing how these things happen, he'll probably have a few things
to fix/improve in CATCH too after these talks...

ML> Fair point. CATCH does not completely fit my preferred coding styles,
ML> but I'll be open minded :-)

 Well, the combined header (catch.hpp) is definitely pretty horrible, but
browsing the code in their repository doesn't immediately show anything too
bad. The worst thing I noticed, style-wise, was the use of identifiers
starting with underscores, which should clearly be avoided but OTOH is not
quite a firing offense neither.

ML> >  The main advantages of CATCH are the ease of installation (none needed)
ML> If we consider CATCH, I assume we will simply host copy of its headers
ML> inside SOCI, right?

 Yes, I think we should put catch.hpp somewhere in our sources.

ML> > ML> Why I mention mock every time?
ML> >
ML> >  Good question :-) I'm really not sure if we need it at all, what are we
ML> > going to mock exactly?
ML> Core. I am very keen in exercising mocking techniques against the core.

 I must admit that I don't follow you at all here. For me mocking is used
to replace a component that can't be easily tested (e.g. because it uses an
external data source which is not always available) with a mock-up that
emulates this component in a predictable way and can also be used to verify
that it's used as intended. So if we mock the core itself, what are we
testing then?

ML> > A database backend?
ML> Nope, backends rely onDBMS specific features, so testing them in isolation 
ML> related DBMS is pointless.

 My idea was to use mocking to check that the core code calls the
appropriate backend methods, as expected. I'm not sure if this really has
an enormous value but I at least can understand this, unlike the idea of
mocking the core which still has me scratching my head...

ML> So, to summarise my position, I'd be in favour to start rewriting
ML> tests using CATCH.
ML> Once we start, we should soon be able to confirm if it is lacking any
ML> features or not.

 This would be perfect from my point of view. And the mocking discussion
can probably wait until later.

 Thank you for driving this process!

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