Sorry, below should read we need "NOT the creation of incomes through 
wasteful and destructive activity", et.
Wallace M. Klinck wrote:
> Hello Jessop! (and Others)
> I sympathize with you and have posted the remainder (first part) of 
> Chapter 8 (The Remedy) from "H.M.M."'s THE STRUGGLE FOR MONEY hoping 
> that this may answer some of your questions.  When a bank makes a loan 
> or purchases a security it creates new credit-money; when it receives 
> repayment of a loan or sells securities, it destroys credit-money.  The 
> money supply is thereby increased or decreased as the case may be.  
> Money issued for Social Credit National (Consumer) Dividends or 
> Compensated Prices, etc. would be drawn against the National Credit 
> Account which would be written down accordingly as it represents 
> consumption.  (The National Credit Account would be written up in regard 
> to capital production loans because this represents an addition to Real 
> Credit.)  Credit issued without debt for these purposes would be 
> cancelled when spent and returned to the banks in respect of outstanding 
> loans.
> I have a PDF file that I could send you if I had your e-mail address 
> entitled "The Cancellation Bogey" which explains the cancellation 
> process.
> The Social Credit position is that consumers (all of us) collectively do 
> NOT have enough purchasing-power to purchase all consumer goods (which 
> include the cost of capital goods) and so to cancel the financial costs 
> of production.  We acquire consumer production by being carried by 
> unrepayable debt.  Yes, we do regard the whole thing as fraudulent and 
> unsound-- because it is subject to increasing overload, being based upon 
> increasingly unrepayable financial debt.  This is a violation of natural 
> law--there is no "debt" in nature.  Look at recent massive destruction 
> of equity values in the financial markets--lost values of human effort.
> Redistribution of income can do nothing to overcome a fundamental 
> insufficiency of effective demand.
> War is a depletion and misdirection of a nation's real credit and source 
> of genuine wealth capable of satisfying consumer needs or wants.  It is 
> honest national financial accountancy which is needed for prosperity and 
> [NOT]
> the creation of incomes through wasteful and destructive activity.  We 
> need Dividends, not war.  And those who call for "full employment" are 
> calling for war--because they wrongly assume that income can only be 
> paid directly for work and if work cannot earn adequate income then 
> wasteful, useless or destructive activity becomes essential to "make up 
> the deficiency".  It does not, of course, because the wasteful activity 
> is carried by a debt against the future.  
> Sincerely
> Wally  

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