Okay, I've looked at it in the list archives at 
http://csf.colorado.edu/forums/pkt/2003II/msg00174.html .  
In that post you refer to "the three fundamental 
axioms below."  But below I see sixteen steps.

Before that you say:

"I believe that axiomatically setting the "What", 
"Why", and "Who" The Economy is for, renders a good 
enough base."  


Now, What, Why and Who add up to three.  I can only 
presume they are what you are calling your "three 
basic axioms"?  But they look to be merely questions.  
Where are the axioms?  What are the "axiomatic 
settings" that lead to your bold conclusions, which 
are not so bold or original, as I've already pointed 

Is this what you call "rigour" in logic--to stand on 
axioms that are hidden; that when challenged to show 
the axioms, to refer to another post in which the 
axioms are also hidden?

Show us the axioms!  Otherwise, we will have to 
assume that your step 2 is itself nothing more than 
an arbitrarily chosen axiom.

I will challenge it on that basis alone, if you 

I think the determination whether or not it is you 
who are actually the crank does hinge on the caliber 
of your response.



--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 08:06:39 
From: John Vertegaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>If you want to know my three axioms Bill, I would suggest reading the post
>"A Third Way?" of a few weeks back.

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