(James K. of UT is the son of John Kenneth, originally 
from Ontario.)

The first real chance to field test the social credit 
idea in the United States since the Great Depression
will be to cover the looming Social Security and 
Medicare deficits projected for coming years.  Since 
the current surpluses to the trust funds will gradually 
change to deficits through the progression of time and 
evolving demographics, it is necessary to introduce the 
social credits only gradually as the deficits arise.  
The doubters and skeptics who say it cannot work and 
can only result in accelerating inflation might agree 
to that gradualist approach in the spirit of compromise
--if only to disprove the inflationist idea once and for 
all.  In the interim--powerful political support can be 
built for this alternative to cutting benefits or 
raising taxes.  We have therefore a unique historical 
"window of opportunity" that should not be squandered.


--------- Original Message ---------
DATE: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 19:41:02 
From: Keith Wilde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The text below is copied from a very recent article by Texas political economist James 
K. Galbraith.  His description of the "real" American Model prompts me to ask a 
question of Bill Ryan:  
Some of your recent postings have pointed out that the redeemable ticket idea is 
difficult to apply in a world where manufacturing activities are always sliding off to 
the latest opportunity to exploit slave labor, raiising again the spectre of 
de-industrialized America.  There is employment in the U.S., but it tends more and 
more to be in service occupations. This are more difficult to move off-shore.  Is this 
immense sector therefore an opportunity to apply the Social Credit "ticket" idea? 
Keith Wilde
The real American model: ‘soft’ budgets in the social sectors 
The “soft budget constraint” is an idea familiar to students of central and eastern 
Europe in the late years of communist rule. It described the condition of state-owned 
heavy industry under the communist regimes: entities that could not make profits, 
could not compete on international markets, and yet were so central to the social 
fabric of the system in which they were embedded, including its provision of social 
services, that they could not be allowed to fail. These entities became 
widely-deplored dependencies of the state budget and the state banks. Yet to millions, 
they provided the rudiments of a comfortable and secure life, the threads of which 
have not been picked up in the post-socialist orders that since emerged. 
A brief examination of key American institutions shows that the concept goes very far 
toward explaining the structure and conduct of the US economy in the past twenty 
years, and particularly in the prosperous period of the late 1990s. But the 
institutions to which it is best applied in America are very different from those in 
eastern Europe. Indeed, the keys to the American model lie not in industry, but in 
those sectors providing social amenities to the middle class: health care, education, 
housing and pensions. 
Health care, in the United States, consumes some 13% of GDP. A typical figure in 
Europe is 8-10%; in the UK the number is 7.3%. What few Europeans understand is that 
health expenditures within the direct US government budget consume 5.8% of GDP. 
But whereas in (say) France a not-much-larger proportion of total output supplies 
medical services to the whole population, in the United States the direct public 
commitment is only to the elderly and disabled, the poor, and to veterans. For the 
rest of the covered population, medical care is paid out of private insurance, which 
enjoys tax advantages. 
Overall, the tax-financed share is just under 60% of total health expenditure, or 
nearly 8% of GDP. The scandals of American health care do not lie in insufficiency of 
care (quite the reverse!), but rather in two notorious facts. 
The first is that some 44 million persons lack either public or private insurance. 
This part includes many Latinos, who tend to avoid contact with the welfare system, as 
well as younger working people. Hence, deficient pre- and peri-natal care is an 
important problem. 
The second is the rapacity of the private actors in the system – drug producers, 
doctors, nursing home operators, and insurance companies notably. Nevertheless, it is 
precisely the presence of those actors, and their political power, that has made the 
American health care system into the economic powerhouse that it is. 
Higher education in the United States consumes about 2.25% of GDP. The figure for 
European countries is typically closer to 1%. Again the US spends more on public 
higher education as a share of GDP than do most Europeans: 1.07% as compared to 0.97% 
in Germany or 1.01% in France. But then in addition there is the private share, 
another 1.22% of GDP, centred on institutions whose multi-billion dollar endowments 
are highly motivated by the tax system. Many of these are to be found in the east, 
near traditional centres of capital wealth. Fully public institutions however dominate 
the scene in most of the country, including Texas and California. 
The United States maintains two alternative public systems for keeping otherwise 
difficult-to-employ young people away from unemployment. These are the armed forces, 
with 1.4 million members, which consumes 4% of GDP and provides competent mechanical 
training to its members (including to virtually the whole of the population of 
commercial pilots, for example). And there is the prison system, whose much-expanded 
role in recent years is deplorable, but whose economic function also reduces 
unemployment. A major difference, of course, is that these three institutions provide 
very different levels of access to credit and other participatory mechanisms in later 
Consumption of housing services accounts for about 9% of US GDP, while residential 
construction accounts for another 4%. The housing sector exists on its present scale 
thanks to a vast network of supporting financial institutions, subject to federal 
deposit insurance and to the secondary mortgage markets provided by quasi-public 
corporations (Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mae, Freddie Mac). 
Despite continuing problems of discrimination against black neighbourhoods 
particularly, known as redlining, the fact remains that most Americans grow up in 
their own homes, and for the present moment home equity remains the major collateral 
against which middle class Americans are able to borrow to support their consumption. 
Finally, social security payments to the elderly and disabled together with public 
pensions account for 8% of US GDP, on the reasonable assumption that these transfers 
are substantially spent rather than saved by their recipients. Some of this has been 
counted already in expenditures for health care and housing – but arguably not all 
that much. The American elderly live in paid-off homes and pay only a fraction of 
their medical (as distinct from pharmaceutical) expenses out of pocket. And social 
security funds a great deal of their ordinary consumption. 
To be precise, social security alone provides the major source of disposable income of 
60% of American elderly; only the top 40% of that population group has substantial 
other sources of income, public or private. The typical social security payment for an 
elderly couple in moderate health can reach $18,000 per year, which when combined with 
Medicare is adequate for modest comfort in most of the country. Pockets of elderly 
poverty remain, but overall, poverty among the old in America has fallen dramatically 
since the early 1970s, and is now lower than among the general population. This is the 
accomplishment substantially of expanded public pensions. 
The point to emphasise is not merely that the United States is full of hospitals, 
universities, housing and pensioners, but that in the US these sectors are funded by a 
bewildering variety of financial schemes, involving public support in myriad direct 
and indirect ways, including direct appropriations, loans, guarantees, and tax 
favours. Some of these are on budget, some are off-budget, some are “discretionary”, 
some are “non-discretionary”. But there exists a broad political constituency behind 
them, which gives them political staying power – despite continuing assaults on them 
and some erosion under a right-wing congress, president and court system. The control 
of the scale of these activities has, to some extent, slipped away from those who 
ostensibly control the public budget. 
And this is the genius, if one may call it that, of the American Model. The soft 
budget constraint (which as recently as the 1960s was entirely the province of the 
military) has come to apply precisely where it can do the least harm. And that is in 
providing income and employment in sectors that provide universally demanded human 
services to the population. In other words, powerful political constituencies exist to 
keep these sectors at the forefront of American life, and it is very likely that they 
will remain there. 

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