In the attempt to understand what the cartalists 
(Mosler) are trying to say, I've appended a stylized 
diagram depicting the macro economy from the 
creditary perspective.  T1 represents the period of 
credit expansion; T2 the period of steady state; and 
T3 the period of contraction.  Disbursements pertain 
to those of firms in the aggregate considered as a 
sector in respect to consumers.  Government is 
included in the sector considered as a special type 
of firm.

Please note that during the period of expansion cash 
disbursement exceeds receipts at every point in time.  
The differential represents accumulation to cash 
balances throughout the economy.

Since government keeps its books on a cash flow 
basis, it records continuing *deficits*.

Since private firms keep their books on an accrual 
basis, they record continuing profit in the form of 
credits to their equity accounts.

So in translation to a common language--assuming a 
normally functioning economy--government *deficits* 
are equivalent or analogous to what the private 
sector calls *profit*.

The government deficit does not *cause* the private 
sector profit.

But rather, both government deficits and private 
sector profit are accommodated by the general 
availability of bank credit.

So what Mosler said below in a letter to Mr. Bartley 
of the Wall Street Journal cannot be correct:

**>First, from 1st year macro: govt. surplus = non 
govt deficit and vice versa, of course. This is the 
accounting identity for all national income 
accounting. Much like balancing your check book. The 
left side must sum to the right or an accounting 
error has been made. Therefore, when govt. runs a 
surplus of, say, 250 billion, non govt net financial 
savings drops by the same amount, to the penny.<** 


The attached diagram is archived at:
The full text of Mosler's letter quoted above is 
archived at: 


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