***>Doesn't this make the creation of money, to some 
extent, a Ponzi scheme - which crashes down when too 
many bad loans are made (such as for the creation of 
the dot.coms)?<***

Not from what I said in that particular post.  Ponzi 
finance means you are borrowing merely to pay earlier 
loans.  The lending process is not by its nature 
Ponzi if the borrowing is for constructive purposes, 
such as organizing the factors of production into 
their more efficient combination, as ultimately 
judged by consumers in free markets.  It is what 
economists call investment.  The alternative is some 
permutation of a command economy where bureaucrats 
bark orders.

Ponzi finance derives from the fact that loans in 
general do not "self-liquidate" if there is labor 
displacement, as explained through the A + B theorem.

To correct that problem social credit proposes the 
Retail Discount and Dividend paid from the National 
Credit Account.

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