***] The cash comes into general circulation when the 
Reserve Bank buys government stock from the 
government [***

Does it purchase directly from government or 
indirectly through the so-called "open market" as in 
the United States?  That creates a "rake off" to Wall 
Street that is effectively interest paid even though 
it rebates what interest it earns on the securities 
it holds in its portfolio to the Treasury.  It also 
means that the Fed not the Treasury calls the shots 
regarding monetary policy.  If the SA bank purchases 
directly from government, does it purchase what it 
wants to purchase, or does the government sell it 
what it wants to sell?  It comes down to who is 
actually in control and what institution is the real 
government for things more significant than deciding 
which potholes to fill.

The question to Keith relates strictly to the 
currency.  Certain people (COMER etc.) allege that in 
Canada the currency component of M0 is not bank 
credit but Treasury credit spent into circulation by 
government.  In the United States the currency is 
merely token for central bank credit that is lent 
(through the purchase of securities) not spent into 

--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 07:36:01

>On Monday 15 Sep 2003 10:54 pm, Keith Wilde wrote:
>> I presume you mean the question of whether or not any of the Canadian money
>> supply is provided by government directly.  I still do not have definitive
>> answer to that--except for the one bald statement that Bank of Canada is
>> responsible for the money supply.  I'm not sure how coins get circulated
>> once produced at the Mint--but suspect it is via The Bank. I expect to be
>> getting back downtown next week sometime, after my radiation treatments are
>> finished.
>I presume most Central Banks operate in very much the same way.
>Over here, The South African Reserve Bank has the sole right to issue new note 
>and coinage currency. The Bank issues new notes and coins according to the  
>public´s cash requirements (aka ´till money requirements´). The cash comes 
>into general circulation when the Reserve Bank buys government stock from the 
>government or financial assets from the banks. In the process, credit is made 
>available to government or banks who then draw cash as required to spend. The 
>cash then has been spent into circulation.
>(Sources: SARB and ´Basic Macro-Economis´, by L J Fourie & F van den Bogaerde, 
>published by I L van Schaik.)

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