From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Ryan)
Subject: Re: TURMEL: #2 Money, Interest and Prosperity
November 11, 2003

Okay, I found "bowl."

<**>If you have a bowl and you put a ball in it and
then give the ball a little shove, it will travel up
one side, gravity will bring it down and it will rock
back and forth until it settles back to the middle.
That's how engineers use negative feedback to bring
back things which have been pushed out of normal
operation back to normal.<**>
Which is a demonstration of the concept of "stable"
equilibrium.  Turmel has failed to direct our
attention to the source of "negative feedback" in
this demonstration, however.  There is merely
momentum countervailed by gravity.  No feedback.

Turmel continues to claim that he is an "engineer."
In response to an earlier question he said he was a
graduate of Carleton, I think.  Will he give me
permission to access his Carleton transcript and
student records so I might confirm his claim?

<**>If you turn the bowl upside down and put the ball
at the top, one small push and the gravity will make
the ball fall faster and faster. That's unstable.<**>
Which merely demonstrates the concept of "unstable"
equilibrium.  There is also no feedback in this
demonstration, merely the effects of gravity.

<**>Both zero and negative feedback are acceptable
while positive feedback is always unacceptably
Which does not follow from the two examples because
neither contains feedback.  Turmel arbitrarily
asserts, "both zero and negative are acceptable" and
"positive feedback is always unacceptably unstable."
Both assertions are complete nonsense.

Drag on a falling object is *negative* feedback that
increases to the square of the object's velocity, so
is therefore "exponential." It will increase to the
point where the force from drag and the force from
gravity equal.  From that point downward the object
is falling at its "terminal" velocity which is
constant.  So the change to that point is
"exponential" but from that point downward there is
nothing "exponential" about it whatsoever.

But this is negative feedback that this eminent
"engineer" says is "acceptable."  I wonder if he will
admit that it also demonstrates that negative
feedback can be "exponential."

What is it about the clock escapement that feeds
energy into the pendulum that keeps it going with
each tick of the clock that makes it "always
unacceptably unstable"?  Will this eminent "engineer"
please supply an answer?  It is definitely an example
of positive feedback that for the first time made
navigation across open oceans possible.

What is it about the triode tube that makes it
"always unacceptably unstable"?  There is positive
feedback from plate to grid which revolutionized
communications, making possible the ultimate
development of the very computers we use to scribble
and view these messages.

"Edwin Howard Armstrong enrolled in electrical
engineering at Columbia, and in 1913, while still an
undergrad, made his first great discovery,
regeneration...Armstrong discovered that the gain of
a triode amplifier could be enormously increased by
feeding some of the amplifier output back into the
input, i.e. by using positive feedback. Given enough
feedback, the amplifier became a stable and powerful
oscillator, perfect for driving radio transmitters.
Given a little less feedback, the amplifier became a
more sensitive radio receiver than anything else at
the time."

<**>His latest assertion is that I'm wrong when I say
positive feedback generates an exponential output.
Like I said, Ryan's certifiably irrational. I have a
gift for explaining super-sophisticated engineering
really simply.
The gifts are the gifts of the glib and successful
con man.  Turmel 1) falsely claims to be an
"engineer," which gives him the aura of someone who
knows what he is talking about to whom we must defer
even though we don't understand what this "genius" is
talking about; and 2) he lies with a straight face.
He is indeed good at what he does.

More to the point is his assertion that interest is
feedback.  It is feedback in the informational sense
only and derives from the conventions of accounting.
Interest is merely the name that we give to profit
going to the financier, which includes most of us
through pension, insurance and mutual funds.

Profit is "positive feedback" and loss is "negative
feedback" because it informs us whether or not what
we are doing is satisfying the demands of consumers.
It is the very basis of the system of free

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Turmel) wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
November 10, 2003
>Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 18:32:52 -0500
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Morin)
>Subject: Money, Interest and Prosperity

JCT: Dan, this post based on your questions has really stirred up a lot of debate on the USENET groups. can.politics and get it all and you can even use Google search Groups for turmel sorted on date and you'll find almost 30 articles.

Most are from Dan Parker beating up on Bill Ryan. Bill's a wonderful shill to beat up on. He uses big words that are gibberish and some people take him seriously so using him as a foil is a lot of fun. Dan Parker's enjoying showing Ryan wrong as much as I did.

I had 18 posts debating with Bill Ryan that I can refer you to which I've published and can be found online with a search for turmel and ryan and social credit or at the Turmel's Latest Posts page from my home page:

By the end, he was so badly beaten up that he became demented and has been unable to stop bad-mouthing me all these years after his drubbing.

So go check the Google Groups. Step in if you'd like to make a fool of Ryan too. It's not too often you get an opponent who doesn't realize he's beaten and keeps getting up so you can keep smashing him down.

His latest assertion is that I'm wrong when I say positive feedback generates an exponential output. Like I said, Ryan's certifiably irrational. I have a gift for explaining super-sophisticated engineering really simply. He's arguing I'm wrong when I can explain positive, negative and zero feedback with a ball and a bowl. See: and search for bowl. Once you get it, then you'll really enjoy seeing Crazy Bill baying at the moon.

Again, he's fun to beat up on but only for educational purposes. Check it out.

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