Because of the tenor of the discussions occurring and the lack of knowledge by some participants on the subject of Social Credit I have refrained from entering into the discussions. I have said repeatedly that it is a waste of time debating when one or more of the participants have no knowledge let alone understanding of the subject. The discussion develops into a talk fest with opinions being offered from their restricted viewpoint and mostly from their own personal learning or beliefs. If anyone is interested in the subject of Social Credit I suggest they do some serious reading of Social Credit literature. To attain some knowledge on the basis of eliciting answers to questions based on their premises will achieve absolutely nothing. Unless the format alters I will have no alternative but to disengage as the volume of mail takes up too much time for no positive outcome.


The following are some very brief comments on items that have been expressed in the discussion group.



The discount that would be applied under the Compensated price mechanism is not a subsidy. The use of the word subsidy provides the basis for an argument that is not valid under the Compensated Price mechanism. 


 The question of “how much new money would be needed” and “it would be necessary to create enough money during a year to pay for the annual output of the economy at before-policy prices”, displays a complete misunderstanding of the Compensated Price mechanism. The amount of new money would be determined after the event not before. It could occur on a regular basis depending upon the flow of information on the performance of the economy in the relationship between consumption and production in a particular period. To answer the question, “How much new money would be needed”, can be answered by saying enough. Enough to obtain the objective. So long as the rate of flow of money out equalled the rate of flow of money in there would be sufficient. The notion of sufficiency can be best explained by an analogy to the toilet cistern. It matters not how much water is needed to flush the toilet (the objective), so long as the rate of flow of water going out is equalled by the rate of flow of water coming in. So long as there is enough to do the job is the main criteria.


Social credit is a distraction from the real problems facing humanity such as war starvation and poverty .Which can only be solved by getting rid of capitalism and replacing it with socialism . WD Mclellan Socialist.



The above statement is a perfect example of the time wasted on discussing social Credit with those who have a different philosophical approach. It is not about changing one “ism” with another. It is either an acceptance or rejection of the Social Credit principle that the individual is more important than the group. Neither capitalism (whatever Mr. Mcllelan means by that) nor socialism deal with the question of the group versus the individual, although socialism does by its very nature i.e. “State Capitalism” does place the group above the individual that composes the group.


"What is physically possible is financially possible." 


This statement is a truism that eludes those who do not wish to or fail to understand the policies of Social Credit. They are so occupied with attempting to justify their theories or are so beleaguered by money, what it consists of, who should have more, how it should be distributed, how much there ought to be, how banks create credit etc.etc., that they cannot see the wood for the trees. The reality is that the world and its physical elements allow the people in it to exist only because of those physical attributes, which provide for life, none of which was originally created by man. Money is a man made creation and although a very good one has been perverted to the extent that it has become more important than the things it is supposed to represent. The image reflection in the mirror is more real than the   person or object it is reflecting.


“We reject the scarcity postulate.  We start from the premise of abundancy


There is nothing in this world or universe that is necessary for life on this planet, that is scarce. We do start from a premise of abundance, which is opposite to the theoretical scarcity assumptions of economists


"Properly accounted ... You have a great deal more confidence in what statisticians can do than I have. If you base the redistribution process on statistical principles,…”.


Properly accounted means simply that – properly accounted. It has nothing to do with statistical projections as with orthodox economics. It has to do with operating a proper set of accounts in the same manner as is expected from any operating business small or large.


“When the barber takes my money after he finishes cutting my hair, our transaction is over. But he goes out and spends the money or he saves it”.


This is typical of orthodox economic thinking. When a barber takes my money he pays some of it to his suppliers and other costs incurred. The balance he may spend or save. All that has happened is that the money is transferred from a bank to a client to the next trader (barber) who transfers some of it to his suppliers and for payment of other expenses, telephone, electricity, rent etc. who in turn transfers it to someone further back. If he saves some of it, somewhere in the economy there is a price not met. If he spends it, it then becomes a further transfer.


There are so many glaring anomalies that it is not possible to discuss all. Wally and Bill have adequately answered many items in some form or another but as usual there has been no starting point of certain postulates being agreed upon or rejected. Until that occurs it will continue to be a treadmill going around until the squirrel dies.

Vic Bridger

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