Lars Noodén a écrit :
I've got OpenBSD 4.2 on a net4801 and am mounting /dev in RAM.  I'd like
to reduce the amount of memory used even further.  Currently only %4 is
        Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
        mfs:21800      853K   34.0K    777K     4%    /dev

What should I be aware of in /etc/fstab to minimize the memory footprint
of /dev?  Currently, I have:
        swap /dev mfs rw,-P/dev.base,-i1,-s2300,-c264,-m5,nosuid 0 0

Random changes to mfs' parameters aren't getting me anywhere.  There
should be a rational way of arriving at optimal settings for mfs:

     -b block-size
     -c fragments-per-cylinder-group
     -f frag-size
     -i bytes
     -m free-space
     -s size

I have been trying -s1024 but it wont mount I think this is the smallest footprint you can have.
But if you find smaller I'm interrested.


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