René Luckow wrote:

> I don't want to get involved in this discussion but let me just
> correct you there:
> I do NOT work for Soekris Engineering, I work for Cortex Systems :)

Ah, yes my fault.  But Cortex Systems is the company of Soerens
brother, so I think you are still near enough to the source of
the problem to relay the request for a manual to them...

> As for the information on the wiki there, well, that is simply not
> true and I will edit it when I get to work tomorrow, but that's the
> thing about wiki's anyone can add any information, right or wrong.

Yes, that is by far the better approach than to try help users to
get proper documentation, hr hr...

Maybe we soon see more mailing of people that fry'ed their Soekrisses.

Imo, you are trying to solve the problem by denying ther is a problem
at all.  Well, there is a serious problem.  Lack of documentation.

Some sort of "diff" agains the 4801 manual would be the minimum, I

> I've tried to at least keep that at a minimum by having to pre-approve
> all users and not allowing anonymous edits. Btw, if anyone is
> interested in becoming superadmins on the wiki, just mail me :)
> On Jan 19, 2008 9:14 PM, Marc Balmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Bill Maas wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 01:10 +0200, Jussi Peltola wrote:
>>>> Still, I agree the manual should be released. But I doubt it is being
>>>> intentionally delayed or anything...
>> I am not so sure.  Rene Luckow, a Soekris employee runs an (unofficial)
>> Soekris Wiki which has an interesting bit on it:
>> I fully agree with the statement that we should at least receive a
>> technical manual...  (but I did not get one).
>> Maybe Rene can put the docs on the Wiki?
>>> The introduction statement on suggsts
>>> you may be right:
>>> "Welcome to Soekris Engineering's website.
>>> We're now introducing the new net4801"
>> yes, that's pretty hilarious as well.  I think that Soeren has
>> not very much respect for his customers, no docs and a webpage that is
>> out of date.  maybe he just sells to many units that can expose
>> such a behaviour?  at least thats the part we, the users, can change.
>> --
>>         SELECT services FROM companies WHERE name = 'micro systems'
>> marc balmer, micro systems, wiesendamm 2a, postfach, ch-4019 basel
>> internet, phone +41 61 383 05 10, fax +41 61 383 05 12
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