Am 13.04.11 04:08, schrieb Ryan Whelan:
> Watching the mailing list, it -seems- like BSDs are more prevalent on
> the soekris platforms then Linux.  I've only ever used Linux ( a custom
> Buildroot build and hand-rolled kernel ).  I am NOT trying to troll, and
> I know this is a technical mailing list, but I'm really curious why
> those that chose BSDs chose them?  Without being a BSD user, I'm hoping
> to get some insight into what I don't know.
> I really want to know the reasons for the decision, not start a flame
> war- I promise

Here is why _we_ use *BSD:  Because the license matters for us.  The GPL
mandates to make changes public again, publish source code and such.
The BSD license has no such requirments.  It usually just says keep the
copright intact.  That is very liberal and useful for when we do
embedded stuff.

So for a start, compare the GPL and the BSD/ISC/MIT licenses, and you
will spot differences.
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