On 06/07/2013 01:50 PM, Matt Dainty wrote:
* Nigel Kukard <nkuk...@lbsd.net> [2013-06-07 08:24:48]:
On 06/07/2013 11:04 AM, Matt Dainty wrote:
I was recently given an AnyData DTP-600W Mini PCI-E 3G modem that came from
an Amazon Kindle with a broken screen.

I've tried plugging this into my net6501 however it doesn't show up either
in comBIOS or under the OS as a PCI device. The datasheet mentions that it
also has a USB interface and the net6501 manual mentions PCI-E slot J5 is
USB only so I've tried swapping the modem about with the SSD I normally
have in that slot. When I boot into the OS I don't see any USB devices
(unidentified or otherwise) appear on any of the controllers.

The only thing I can think of is that as there is no SIM attached, that
might be stopping the modem from registering? I was thinking I could use
something like this:


...but I don't want to splash out if it's not going to help.

Does anyone have any experience of these sorts of devices?
I tried almost the exact same with a Ericsson HSUPA mini-pci-e, problem
is there is no slot for the sim  ;)
Hence the piece of hardware I linked to, which just wraps around the
smaller of the two sets of contacts on the PCI-E edge connector.
Woops, missed that.

Even without the SIM, did the Ericsson modem show up on the system?
Nope, I thought it was because there may be some pinout to the sim missing ... was not too sure.

My laptop picks it up as a USB host controller and then picks up usb serial devices ttyUSB0 through to ttyUSB2


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