[26/09/2012] wrote:
>Hi all,
>after following all the recent discussions about pfSense on here, I thought it sounded quite interesting and wanted to try it out and see how I like it - >which is probably quite an interesting idea especially since at this time, I honestly don't know a thing about BSD-based systems just yet. >Since I wanted pfSense to boot from the internal MSATA flash module and not from a USB stick, I did the following:
>1. Downloaded the file pfSense-2.0.1-RELEASE-4g-i386-nanobsd.img.gz
>2. Copied the file to a USB stick.
>3. PXE-booted the Debian installer in rescue mode, so I could get to a shell on the Net6501. >4. Mounted the USB stick and copied the image file to the flash module using zcat and dd.
>5. Changed Baud rate to 9600 in Com BIOS.
>6. Rebooted and saw that FreeBSD was booting on the console.
>Unfortunately, the boot process seems to hang. The last output I get is this:
>Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel]...
>After that, there is no more input on the serial console whatsoever - no error messages or anything like that. What am I doing wrong?
>Thanks for any help from all you pfSense experts! :-)
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I've just done a install to a SSD on a 6501-70 and I'm hanging at the same point when trying to boot off the SSD

i.e. it hangs at:

Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel]...               .

I was wondering if you managed to fix your problem and could give any pointers?


Giles Coochey, CCNP, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
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