On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 22:11:22 -0700
David A. <listm...@cox.net> wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 20:03:26 -0300, Nenhum_de_Nos
> <math...@eternamente.info> wrote:
> >I think I got one of those out-of-nowhere-dead net6501. It was fine, then 
> >one reboot and never again it booted. No serial, no boot, nothing. Just 
> >Power and error leds are on.
> It's a 98% probability that your power supply is dead.  Yes, even if
> you see power lights come on.  Try a different power supply.

Well, David, I tried 4 PS so far. Some more powerfull then the one the net6501 
came. One of them powers a net5501 that although is older, is still on and 
strong (shoudn't say that out loud ...).

One time here I powered it on it got some rubbish on the serial, never repeated 
it though.

Anyone with any hint will help :)



Nenhum_de_Nos <math...@eternamente.info>
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