If that's the case, I'd like to use the second option, to share the same nua_t object. Let's say there are two endpoints, and we need two AOR, but nua_t data structure only has one nua_from (nua_stack.h). Could you please suggest a way to handle this?  I want to use different sip From header for outgoing calls from different endpoints.

On 5/23/06, Pekka Pessi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/19/06, H. L. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to know if one sofia-sip stack could be used to support
> multiple(let's say two) different physical endpoints. Different endpoints
> will maintain its own state machine in parallel with other endpoints.

> In other words, is it possible to maintain an array of endpoint data
> structure, which maintains states of multiple endpoints.

Yes, it is possible. There are two wyas to do it, however:

1) let every endpoint have its own SIP signaling socket and nua_t
object created with separate call to nua_create()

2) let endoints share the nua_t object, just multiplex at application
level based on the incoming requrest-URLs


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