Hi all,

this is my first post here, I have a very newbie usage question and I
don't know if this is the right place wether to ask, so please tell me
if this is the case.

I'm writing a little application in my sandbox to understand the basic
mechanisms of sofia-sip, here it is the code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sofia-sip/nua.h>

/* This callback will be called by SIP stack to
 * process incoming events
void event_callback(nua_event_t   event,
                    int           status,
                    char const   *phrase,
                    nua_t        *nua,
                    nua_magic_t  *magic,
                    nua_handle_t *nh,
                    nua_hmagic_t *hmagic,
                    sip_t const  *sip,
                    tagi_t        tags[])
    static unsigned int count = 1;
    printf ("arrived request number %d\n"
            "I have received an event %s status %d %s\n",
            count++, nua_event_name(event), status, phrase);

    /* how to print a message? */

 * Creates a communication handle, sends an INVITE request and destroys it.
int send_invite (nua_t *nua, const char* callee)
    nua_handle_t *handle;

    /* create an handle */
    handle = nua_handle(nua, NULL,

    if (!handle) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to instantiate an handle for the invite\n");
        return -1;

    fprintf(stderr, "Sending the invite...\n");

    return 0;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    su_root_t *root;
    nua_t *nua;

    if (argc <= 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Missing the destination target");

    const char* callee = argv[1];

    /* Initialize Sofia-SIP library and create event loop */

    su_init ();
    root = su_root_create (NULL);

    nua = nua_create(root, /* Event loop */
                     event_callback, /* Callback for processing events */
                     NULL, /* Additional data to pass to callback */
                     TAG_END()); /* Last tag should always finish the sequence 

    /* send an invite to a remote sip client */
    send_invite (nua, callee);

    /* Run event loop */
    su_root_run (root);

    /* Destroy allocated resources */
    nua_destroy (nua);
    su_root_destroy (root);
    su_deinit ();


It simply takes the first command line arguments and send an invite to
that address.

The problem is that although I can see:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/s/S/C/libsofia> sip-inviter sip:10.xx.x.204:5060
Sending the invite...

I don't see any SIP messages (using wireshark), also when I set a
bogus calle such as:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/s/S/C/libsofia> sip-inviter sip:foo:5060
Sending the invite...

I got the same result and no complain from sofia-sip, as I would
expect if it can't resolve the address.

What am I missing?

Many thanks in advance, best regards.

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