I try to set the NUTAG_PROXY when creating a new handle with  
nua_handle and
then use that handle in an invite (nua_invite ).
What I found out is that the stack ignores the value I pass in  
NUTAG_PROXT and try to resolve the value I pass in the SIPTAG_TO.
When setting the NUTAG_PROXY in nua_invite works OK.
And also found out that if I set the NUTAG_PROXY after creating the  
handle with nua_set_hparams also works OK.

All this confusion comes because the documentation may be wrong when  
in the definition of nua_handle we have:
nua_handle() accepts all the tags accepted by nua_set_hparams(), too.

and in the definition of NUTAG_PROXY it lists nua_set_hparams.

I just wanted to know if I can set the NUTAG_PROXY using nua_handle or  
I must use nua_set_hparams


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