Hi Pekka,

> > My humble request is then, please make the sigcomp plugin for sofia-sip
> > free software, publicly available for everyone, so that we can keep on
> > developing applications using the sofia-sip stack also including SigComp
> > support.
> I'll have a peek on the libraries and see if one of them could be used
> with reasonable effort. However, there might be some legal issues,
> too, so I can't promise anything.

What do you mean with legal issues?

The only issue I could see would be that if the sigcomp plugin comes
from a GPL library, like opensigcomp or tinysigcomp, the program using
sofia-sip+sigcomp would also be enforced to use the GPL or some
compatible license. But that is not that big issue anyway. Would still
be easier to release Nokia's sigcomp plugin under the GPL to get the
same final result... :-)

Maybe I'm missing something? AFAIK, SigComp algorithm is not patented in
any way.


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