i2phd wrote:
> Having 24 bit resolution spells good for the dynamic range which you
> can see measured (not by me) here :
> http://sundry.i2phd.com/bdr.gif <http://sundry.i2phd.com/bdr.gif>
> An advantage of the SDR-IQ is that it doesn't have a transformer in
> its input stage, so the frequency response starts as low as 500 Hz !

> Perseus has a lower limit of about 10 kHz. So, if you chase bats maybe
> the SDR-IQ is a better choice.
> 73 Alberto I2PHD
> _Thanks

I better start saving my pennies. I suspect that sometime in the first half of 
next year the Mercury/Penelope project might also be available.

The screen display of the Perseus software is beatiful, I like it's lighter 
charcoal grey color scheme.


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