At 04:21 PM 1/1/2008, you wrote:

>I will try to reproduce that behavior. I thought to have checked
>similar cases, but after your report I will spend some more time on
>that. The phase delta information used to acquire lock is computed
>after a dedicated low pass filter of less than 3 kHz of bandwidth,
>which is reduced by a factor of at lest 10 (must check) after locking.
>I guess than in your case the initial wandering of the NCO was caused
>not because the carrier at 10 kHz acted as an attractor, but it was
>simply a random walk, that by chance ultimately entered the capture
>range of that carrier. It rest to be understood why the carrier at 1
>kHz did not attract the NCO,,,, food for investigations.
>73 Alberto I2PHD

The signal 10KHz away was about 20dB higher in amplitude if that helps.

When I clicked on the spot, it immediately started heading for the 
wrong signal at a pretty good speed. in less than 2 seconds it was 
locked to the wrong signal


"Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light." 

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