Hello Mat and Chris,

My receiver is the PMSDR, and the software is Winrad version 0,152.
I can recall the situation of the missing 'Start' button only when I do not use 
the red square 'stop' button of the recorder for stopping the playback (even 
when the player has automatically stopped at the end of the file).
When I press that key, I can see the 'Start' button, and I can go back to the 
receiver control. Do you always use that button after the playback?

I have, however, another problem after having played-back a recorded session: 
the frequncy readout on the PMSDR display is frozen to the frequency that was 
used prior to using the playback function.
The 'Start' button, however, is still there, and I can continue with using the 
receiver. I can change the frequency as normal, but the PMSDR display does not 
The fix is to restart WinradHD, just similar to what you have to do....

73's de Tom PA2TSL

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