
I am interested in your comment that  band noise is -129dBm in 3kHz BW.

I listen to online SDRs located in Europe.

The S meters on these receivers show that the band noise on the lower to 
middle HF band is rarely lower than  -100dBm  in a 3kHz BW - the lowest 
I've seen is around -105dBm to -110dBm.

I'm presuming the S meter calibration is accurate.

Antenna type etc. and local conditions also influence antenna noise 
level but I can't imagine that will account for a +30dB difference in 
noise level.

Is the -129dBm noise level you see confirmed by Perseus observations (it 
seems to have an accurate S meter)?

The reason I raise the matter is that it seems to me that modern day 
receivers have more than enough sensitivity for most of the HF bands- 
even SDRs like the Perseus/QS1R

Interested in your comments.


Marco IK1ODO -2 wrote:
> Hello Waine,
> your receiver ADC gets all the signals that are present at his input. 
> That may be the antenna, or the output of a preselection filter if 
> there is one between antenna and ADC.
> You want to have a receiver sensitive enough to hear the band noise; 
> that requires a noise figure in the order of 10 dB in HF. That means 
> approx. -129 dBm of input power in 3 kHz BW.
> On the other side, the ADC has to handle the strongest signals that 
> reach the input. If you listen to 40m by the evening in EU, you get 
> up to +10 dBm peak (1 V pk, measured...) due to BC signals close to 
> the amateur bands.
> So the required dynamic range is of the order of 139 dB in 3 kHz. 
> Since it is currently unreachable, you need a preselector to limit 
> the signals that the ADC sees, and an attenuator to work on low bands 
> (where the band noise is higher and a loss of sensitivity is acceptable).
> To have 139 dB of dynamic range one needs a 100 MS/s ADC with 16 bits 
> of ENOB, or 94 dB dynamic range ... current 16 bit ADCs have far 
> less, at the point that there is a very little difference in dynamic 
> range between 14 and 16 bit converters.
> 73 - Marco IK1ODO / AI4YF

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