Hi Phil,

> Since you are having trouble with SVN, I've placed 
> the code for the qs1r library here:
> <http://www.philcovington.com/qs1r_latest/Misc/qsiolib.h>
> <http://www.philcovington.com/qs1r_latest/Misc/qsiolib.c>
> If you look at it you will see it contains no C++.  
Maybe. But I find things like this:

  lpDevicePath = (WCHAR *) new WCHAR[length];
  if (lpDevicePath)
    wcscpy_s(lpDevicePath, length, dev_interface_detail->DevicePath);
  dev_was_found = true;
delete [] (char*)(dev_interface_detail);

The compiler does not accept it. That could of course be due
to some missing header file. Maybe one of these:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

It looks like C++ to me, but I do not know. 

Can you tell me if the above code can be replaced by:
  lpDevicePath = malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * length);
  if (lpDevicePath)
    wcscpy_s(lpDevicePath, length, dev_interface_detail->DevicePath);
  dev_was_found = true;

Can you explain why WCHAR is used ? It is used like this:
h_dev=CreateFile( lpDevicePath,.......

The compiler complains and wants me to write:
h_dev=CreateFile( (char*)lpDevicePath,.......

What about replacing WCHAR by char throughout?

> The rest of the code and information is in SVN at 
> <http:// qssdrcode.googlecode.com> where anyone can 
> access it.
You say "anyone". I have spent some time on it, but I can
not find any qsiolib file anywhere. Admittedly I have not 
searched every directory. The number of directories is
too large, but I have searched what seemed to me to be 
reasonable places.

It would be nice if you could send a mail with the URL
where the qsiolib source code resides. I need it to
include it in the source code file. (Or if the URL is not
fixed, an instruction how to find it from  
<http:// qssdrcode.googlecode.com> What archives should
the user look into?)

Linrad is primarily distributed as source code to radio
amateurs who are not professional programmers. There are
complications with different headers having the same name
(usb.h) as well as other things that I find unacceptable. 
To avoid them I have included the relevant winusb defines 
and function prototypes in the C program in order to get 
a qs1r.c file in the Linrad source code packet that will 
compile without complications.

Besides a simple instruction on how to find the qsiolib
source code I also need instructions to find the appropriate
FPGA and firmware files to use in Linrad.

I also need the information how to set frequency, sampling 
speed and whatever other things that the current FPGA and
firmware may support.


Leif / SM5BSZ


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