Hey Nicolas,
never ran into that, but should definitively logged as bug ! :(

2012/4/30 Nicolas Burtnyk <nico...@redshift3d.com>

> I ran into this today while trying to figure out why my code was broken.
> Thought I'd pass this along and hopefully save someone some wasted time in
> the future...
> CRefArray a1;
> a1.Add(CRef());
> a1.Add(CRef());
> CRefArray a2(a1);
> a2.Add(CRef());
> LONG n1 = a1.GetCount();  // expected n1 == 2
> LONG n2 = a2.GetCount();  // expected n2 == 3
> I expected a2 to be a copy of a1 before the last add and so I assumed a1
> would have 2 elements.
> Instead, I was surprised to find that n1 == n2 == 3!

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