Another super nice video to setup thi,gs within SI

Le 01/05/2012 22:26, Olivier Jeannel a écrit :
Re bumping this out :
A nice tut, but for Vray here. It's french, but with screen grab and a video about hdr :)

Le 03/01/2012 16:41, adrian wyer a écrit :

yes yes, that inevitable can of linear worms has been opened.....

i've watched the videos, read the articles, meditated on the nature of colour..... burnt offerings to the gods of bit depth.... and yet...

and yet, i STILL can't get an END TO END explanation of the whys and wherefores....

so we flip some switches in the preferences, tell our textures to automagically be interpreted in the correct colour space and use physical sky/sun

setup.... so far so good


do you apply the pass gamma into the image you write out? if not, does the erm, darkness of this image bother your compositors?

when you are compositing, whether in Nuke or After Effects, how do you interpret the footage?

there are other questions, i just wanted to drag this elephant in the room out into the list, and see which way it runs up the flagpole


Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
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