Hi Stephen,

thanks a lot for helping me out on this!

On 05/22/2012 06:18 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:
Hanging while drawing the viewports often indicates a problem with the graphic 
card display driver.

If you modify the default layout to hide the OpenGL viewports, does Softimage 
start up?

tried that, still the same freeze on startup.. :(

Can xsibatch run ? Try running a script with xsibatch

echo LogMessage\(\"Hello\"\)>  /var/tmp/test.js
xsibatch -processing -script /var/tmp/test.js

output of xsibatch -processing -script /var/tmp/test.js:

 Autodesk Softimage 11.0.525.0

CONF disk info : reading config file "/home/giz/initrc"
License information: using [Processing]
COMMAND: -processing -script /var/tmp/test.js
' INFO : Hello
Warning: return value of the executed script is not an integer
' INFO : TransformUVsPlugin has been unloaded.
' INFO : FBX-XSI import/export Plug-in has been unloaded.
' INFO : Unfold3D Plugin has been unloaded.
' INFO : polymatricksPlugin has been unloaded.
' INFO : Characters has been unloaded.

i guess thats a yes...

The dropbox and flash stuff was just stuff that customer wanted, so he added it 
to his recipe.

ah ok..


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