Hi Sandy!

We are about to start our Advanced Rigging course (facial rigging), taught by Chris Pagoria from Blue Sky Studios. He does many of the lead character facial rigs on Blue Sky's movies. Chris is VERY good. If you want to learn facial aesthetics, I highly recommend his class.
An old reel: http://chrispagoria.wordpress.com/demo-reel/

Even though Chris is Maya-based, our example rigs are XSI. I use XSI for all our AnimSchool rigs. I was the Character Development Supervisor at Blue Sky and I meet with the Character students in open review sessions each week. So there is some Softimage support here.
We like to think of ourselves as facial experts  :)

Dave G

On 6/20/2012 4:09 AM, Sandy Sutherland wrote:
Hi Guys,

Quick question - what do you guys think would be the best Rigging or Character TD type course to have someone take - would be ideally an online type course.

Currently the idea is to start with the 8 week Facial Rigging by Judd Simantov off cgsociety - http://workshops.cgsociety.org/courseinfo.php?id=275 - anyone done this course, it looks quite good but I am concerned it is Maya-centric?

This is for one of our Riggers who is going for the lead role.

Thanks for any input.


Sandy Sutherland
Technical Supervisor

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