Those are powers of 10, so plug an Build Index Array into an Exponent node and 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan Fregtman
Sent: July-19-12 1:18 PM
To: XSI Mailing List
Subject: ICE self-referential array building, without a loop?

Hey guys,

At the risk of looking stupid, I'm wondering if anyone knows a cool way of 
procedurally generating an array from a given length that results in:
#0: 1
#1: 10
#2: 100
#3: 1000
#4: 10000
#5: ...
and so on.

The reason I used the term "self-referential" is because with a repeat/while 
loop I can generate easily with an "algorithm"
referencing the previous item in its own array, like so:
10*(#0)=(#1) = 10*1=10
10*(#1)=(#2) = 10*10=100
10*(#2)=(#3) = 10*100=1000
10*(#3)=(#4) = 10*1000=10000
I suppose it could also be called "recursive", somewhat.

Seems to me there must be a simpler way to do this without a loop, right? Maybe 
more coffee is the answer...

Any clues appreciated.

   -- Alan

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