Thanks Jo! We will do that if the speed is a problem. Thanks!
Dave G
On 11/22/2012 4:19 PM, jo benayoun wrote:
hey david,
you shouldn't need to update your widgets every time the user has changed its selection (completely behind steve on that one) but everytime focus has changedback to your widget. overload QWidget::enterEvent or QWidget::focusInEvent and update your highlight buttons when the widget is under the cursor. your developer could also have a look to the tool sdk, both are compatible and you could end up with something nice (custom manipulater + synoptic).
-- jo

2012/11/21 Steven Caron < <>>

    this is a good example. combined with a few other good reasons i
    would probably implement an event, but if this were the only good
    reason i would still avoid doing it with an event. as i said in my
    email to david, if performance were to be an issue, i would
    highlight the controls in the gui once the cursor enters the

    there are a few things in softimage that make me paranoid and
    selection events is one of them. i remember a plugin that was
    installed at blur a long time ago that did an on selection change
    script that was the culprit for some serious lag for the animators.

    i also imagine one might want to keep open multiple character guis
    and i can see this getting out of hand. but its still worth some


    On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Raffaele Fragapane
    < <>>

        Bi-Directionality is actually quite important.
        A lot of people want to do part of a selection in the viewport
        quickly, and then add a few missing, or easier to retrieve,
        bits clicking around in the character pane.

        Doing it with events isn't a huge drag, it only kicks in at
        selection time in the viewport, and it's most likely done with
        a monitor job in Maya, which tends to have comparable lag, so
        if people find it ok in one they will most likely be fine with
        the other's.

        On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Steven Caron
        < <>> wrote:

            ya, it might be slow.

            i dont see an advantage to the bi-directionality feature,
            anyone care to give me a good example?


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