ups wrong forward Address :)

Von unterwegs gesendet.

Am 01.02.2013 um 09:12 schrieb Andreas Böinghoff <>:

> Hi Manu,
> Freezed dir der fcurve Editor noch häufig beim switchen von Modies? 
> Vielleicht hat das mit den Arnold Workgroups zutun. Kannst ja mal in den 
> Anhang gucken. 
> Bis Montag! Andy
> Von unterwegs gesendet.
> Am 31.01.2013 um 16:06 schrieb Stephen Blair <>:
>> Hi Matt
>> I'm pretty sure I unloaded every plugin item except the renderer itself, and 
>> the freeze still happened.
>> So, it's either the renderer plugin, or the renderer integration framework 
>> in Softimage.
>> Thanks
>> Stephen
>> On 31/01/2013 9:42 AM, Matt Lowery wrote:
>>> Spot on guys! Thanks! We are using an Arnold work group and disconnecting 
>>> from it does solve this issue. ( amazing! The renderer would have been the 
>>> last place I would have looked to fix this.) 
>>> We're currently looking into the most effective work around for this little 
>>> chest nut. Seems unloading the Arnold plugins from the work group is enough 
>>> to set things straight. But does anyone know if it's a specific Arnold plug 
>>> in that's causing this? Is it Arnold lights? Arnold renderer? Arnold 
>>> shaders? Or do we need to unload them all?
>>> Thanks again.
>>> m@
>>> On 31/01/2013 13:30, Stephen Blair wrote:
>>>> I have seen a case of this before. The entry of numeric values in the 
>>>> fcurve editor froze Softimage, but only when a certain renderer was 
>>>> installed. 
>>>> I had a repro scene from a customer, and the only way I could fix it was 
>>>> to freeze part of the op stack. 
>>>> On 31/01/2013 8:19 AM, Stephen Blair wrote: 
>>>>> What renderer are  you using? 
>>>>> On 31/01/2013 7:35 AM, Matt Lowery wrote: 
>>>>>> Any attempt to enter a numeric value for anything in the editor freezes 
>>>>>> soft.
>>> -- 
>>> Matt Lowery 
>>> Senior 3D Artist 
>>> 33/34 Great Pulteney Street
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