On 02/24/2013 03:54 PM, Stefan Andersson wrote:
I know, and it's damn hard to try and get the source code from Autodesk
to recompile Softimage :)

I think this is more a MainWin thing, which glibc that MainWin used to
"make" Softimage. I have glibc versions 3.4 - 3.4.13. So all is working
as it should, except when I'm inside Softimage.

I wonder if there is a magic way to "break free" from the Softimage
environment to be able to use the system environment.

And devs.. for the next version that you release (which would be the
first for the Singapore team). Make *sure* you are using the *same*
python version and modules that Maya are using. Or I will... be very sad...

stefan andersson

Is there a /usr/lib64 directory inside the Softimage directory? If so, you could try to make a softlink to the system-wide version of libstdc++.so.6


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