Just tried it for a pitch job here. The 2012-2013 addon fails, but the 7.0
one works.
Try that one. It will still add all the ice nodes, but i'm not sure what is
changed in the newer one.
I got the exact same errors with the new one, so my only conclusion is,
they haven't tested it enough.


On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Dan Yargici <danyarg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all, I've downloaded the Softimage - Realflow connectivity plugin to
> try and export a .bin file from Soft but the addon appears to be incomplete.
> I get these errors:
> // ERROR : 2000 - Argument 0 (PresetObj) is invalid
> // ERROR : 2027-EDIT-AddICENode - Invalid preset argument, cannot load
> RfBinExportData - [line 555 in
> C:\Users\dany\Autodesk\Softimage_2012_SP1\Addons\nl_realflow.2k\Application\Plugins\RfXsiScripts.js]
> // ERROR : 2028-CUST-rf_bin_export_data - Invalid argument specified.
> rf_bin_export_data(null, null);
> Line 55 is:
> var exportDataNode = AddICENode("RfBinExportData", iceTree);
> and after nosing around is seems there are no compounds whatsoever being
> installed by the addon.  Opening it in a text editor also reveals the same
> thing.
> I guess whoever packaged it up forgot to add all the relevant folders!
> So, does any kind soul out there have a working version they'd like to
> share (off list) perchance?
> Thanks!

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