Morning all,
Just a quick shout out to see if anyone has come across this before. I'm sort 
of re-hashing a previous thread I started some time ago but this time I rewrote 
the whole script in Python.
To give you a little context we work on enormous scenes (1gb+) with hundreds of 
passes/partitions. We've found that Ctrl+D a pass takes too long and there's no 
progress display so have resorted to writing our own Duplicate Pass script.
What it does is essentially rebuilds the selected passes from scratch. It all 
works fantastically well except after saving the scene, changing passes takes 
anywhere north of 20mins. After a little routing around in the code I;ve 
deduced it is only the copy/paste of partition overrides that causes this. All 
other aspects of the rebuild are made from scratch i.e. newPartition = 
xsi.SICreatePartition (newPass[0],, partitionMembers), 
newDisplayProp = xsi.AddProp ("Display Property", newPartition[0]) etc. But the 
only way (well the easiest way!) I could get a solid remake of the partition 
override is through xsi.CopyPaste (eachOverride, "", newPartition[0]). This 
copy/paste seems to be the reason passes are taking so long to change.
Would anyone have an inkling as to why this command is causing the whole scene 
to slow down so much post-save?
XP Soft 2012 SP1

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