Hey Everyone,

I'm working on a Model/Asset Management system for our Company. As base for my UI I'm using the PPG logic example of Stephen Blair: Google Group Link <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21msg/xsi_list/J11vCXzYkNk/3WObQEO1EmcJ> Everything is working fine so far, except one annoying thing: If I click into my Model-Listbox I have to fire a PPG.Refesh() to refresh the preview picture. This leads to an deselection of the Listbox and the user can't click throw the List with the arrow down key to get a fast preview.

Is it possible to change the Bitmap of my siControlBitmap UI Item on the fly without firing a PPG.Refresh()?

Somthing like that:
def ppgLogic_oModelList_OnChanged():
                myPPG = PPG.Inspected(0)
                myLayout = PPG.PPGLayout
                myPreviewPic.SetAttribute(c.siUIFilePath, oPicturePath )



3D Artist

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