Thanks for the tips Adam. Some parts of it are beginning to make sense but
I still have that wandering in the dark feeling. I'm only needing to do a
fairly simple stadium crowd for wide shots. I think the hardest parts are
going to be dealing with the quantity of characters and getting them
exported to the people rendering them.

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Adam Sale <> wrote:

> Yes, and also remember that for move based states, you should have all the
> action sources in the one move state listed from slowest to fastest
> velocity so the crowd can pick the appropriate source based on the actors
> velocity.
> I didn't come up with a better way to treat idle based actions, other than
> having them added as one action per state. So with 4 idle actions, I used 4
> states with unique names.
> Not sure if thats the best way to handle it, but I found it easy this way
> to pick and choose the appropriate state to pull based on the logic in the
> Behavior ICE tree.
> Also make sure that you define state transitions to account for all of the
> possible permutations from one state to another, and make sure you define
> whether or not the transition is bi-directional or one directional.
> Crowd makes a lot of sense once you have gone through it a couple of
> times. I really enjoy the changes that were made for 2014.
> Adam
> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Byron Nash <> wrote:
>> Nevermind, I found it. If it was written down in the docs I missed it.
>> You need to define each state in the* Animation Definition* compound in
>> the *Animation Blending* tree.
>> I'm sure I'll be back with a thousand more questions shortly. ;-)
>> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Byron Nash <> wrote:
>>> Actually, after looking at the sample scenes again, I don't see the
>>> Define Animation State node anywhere. When I get a default pedestrian and a
>>> basic pedestrian crowd, I still don't get the animation sources to show up
>>> in the drop down box inside Set Animation State node.
>>> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Byron Nash <> wrote:
>>>> OK, I think that sort of answers my question. You have to use *Define
>>>> Animation States* node to set up the states right? Where does that
>>>> node plug into for the defining?
>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Chris Chia <>wrote:
>>>>> Hello Byron,
>>>>> You could do the following.
>>>>> 1.       CrowdFx > Simulation > New Basic Crowd
>>>>> 2.       CrowdFx > Actors > Inspect Actor Proxies
>>>>> 3.       Use the Import in the ActorProxies PPG
>>>>> 4.       In the same PPG, Select your model and Click on Inspect
>>>>> Animations
>>>>> 5.       Bring your action sources and apply the actions.
>>>>> 6.       CrowdFx  > Crowd > Draw Directional Emitter
>>>>> 7.       CrowdFx > Simulation > Inspect Crowd Simulation Tree
>>>>> 8.       You can now Define the Animation States in the
>>>>> Crowd.Point_Cloud.Animation_Blending,Animation_Definition.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> From: [mailto:
>>>>>] On Behalf Of Byron Nash
>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 4:18 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: CrowdFX: Animation States
>>>>> I'm trying to set up a basic stadium crowd. I have tried following the
>>>>> help docs and used the "New Crowd with Collision Avoidance" and also "New
>>>>> Basic Crowd". I have the actors emitting properly and I have set the
>>>>> velocity to 0 since I want them to stay put. I'm getting tripped up with
>>>>> the States though. In the Behavior tree the Set Animation State node does
>>>>> not include the 3 animations I chose when I imported the actor. I do see
>>>>> those animations if I drill into the Get Animations Sources Core node. How
>>>>> do I get those actions to show up for use in the States tree?

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