Yes I used them both, and also the python addon from Guy Rabiller (very nice and straight forward). I like the one from Paul better because you can have several audio sources, while the one from Stephen you have to cache the file and you can only have one audio cached file per scene (unless I'm completly wrong).
Best advice is dowload Paul demo scene on github
It shows how to do setup properly.
Unfortunatly I'll be out of the office tomorrow. Let me know if you need it, I might be able to send a file in the morning.

Le 03/06/2013 21:35, royston michaels a écrit :
Hi Olivier,
have you tried Stephan Woermann's plugin?
I'm finding wave2spectrum not working for
me, although the test on vimeo is exactly what
I need with a few tweaks.
Do you have any tips using wave2spectrum?
I'm still an ice noob.

On 6/3/13, royston michaels <> wrote:
Thanks so much Olivier,

Will dig into it.

On 6/3/13, olivier jeannel <> wrote:
WaveToSpectrum from Claude Vervoort
Does it exactly.
Just been using it last week ;)

Le 03/06/2013 17:32, royston michaels a écrit :
Hi list,
I need some help creating the following,

I can do this manually but it needs to animate with an audio file
and I'd also like to have the height drive the color value. I'm sure
this is
very easy with ice.

Any ideas or links I can check out is much appreciated.


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