That is bizarre. What was the make again, bosto? I was thinking about looking into alternatives to the cintiq for my next hd screen tablet. That's one make I'll scratch off my list and just stick with the cintiq for a little while longer. Sorry about your hardware trouble.


On 8/23/2013 2:12 PM, Paul Griswold wrote:
An update on my tablet issues with Softimage.

This is just bizarre behavior. If I unplug the tablet from my USB port, I can start Softimage. Once it's running I can plug the tablet back in and everything works great.

However, if I unplug the tablet from the USB port while Softimage is running, Soft just disappears. There's no crash at all - it just vanishes.

I suppose that's part of the dangers of buying a knock-off of a Cintiq.


*Rares Halmagean
*visual development and 3d character & content creation.
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