Thanks! I'll try it.

On 12/19/2013 8:39 AM, Martin Yara wrote:
So, basically you want to add an equal expression to match grpDrivenPunkSkirtXXX to ctlPunkSkirtXXX kinematics right? If then, you could use a simple loop, and extract the null's name substring to get the ctl name.

Something like this (for scale):

# select grpDriven nulls
si = Application
for item in si.Selection:
ctl = si.ActiveSceneRoot.FindChild("ctl" + <>[9:])
    si.SetExpr(item.sclx, ctl.sclx)
    si.SetExpr(item.scly, ctl.scly)
    si.SetExpr(item.sclz, ctl.sclz)

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 11:51 PM, Eric Thivierge < <>> wrote:

    This would be a perfect case for a for loop script. No tools built
    in that I know of.

    On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:54:43 PM, David Gallagher wrote:

        I'm looking for some functionality that might already be there in

        I want to connect a list of controls to other items -- in this
        case a
        list of "spaced" rig elements (that stay back at the origin).
        I can select the lists here in the Parameter Connection
        Editor, but
        then I have to select all the transforms on both sides of the
        list in
        order to connect them.

        I just want to connect all the transforms at one time. Instead
        of this
        one-by-one process.

        Is there a tool out there to do this, or something I'm missing
        in the
        exisiting tool?

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