Sorry...can't resist.  Nasty rumor going around that Soft will be done
within the next year.  I'm just hearing this from a few NYC peeps.  I
personally find it odd especially since we know there's a beta program
running now and that a lot of places still rely on it, especially ICE.

I WOULD NOT be surprised at all if development stopped within a year or two
and it was just a "left as it is" product but I don't see how or why the
door would be slammed shut in anyone's face.

I doubt anyone can "confirm" this rumor but curious what others thoughts
are.  I'm looking to learn more Houdini and C4D for the volume of work but
have no desire to use antiquated and archaic platforms like Maya and Max to
be honest.

Regardless, its tragic to see Soft slowing down and how it never managed to
take over as the #1 option years ago.  It really is the best but a few
limitations, bad timing and bad marketing didn't do it any favors.

The community, addons, plugins and contributions though are incredible and
I think thats the part I would miss the most.

....and discuss


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