I'm sorry, all you guys have bogus information. I'm not supposed to disclose this, but in the name of transparency, it has to be done.
Autodesk has hired an ex-Tonka manager to run Softimage as PM. This new manager assembled a team of Austronesians to re-write the application from scratch. The entire app will be done in COBOL. ICE will now have access to punch cards (via a custom I/O module), and the product will come with actual printed manuals on 100% recycled newspaper, and silver-plated binding. Oh, and the program will sport learning incentives... modeling an object with more than 10,000 polys will unlock new modeling tools, for example. And of course, everything runs from the cloud (it's COBOL, remember?). Exciting times ahead.
Merry christmas people!

On 20/12/2013 1:06 PM, Eric Thivierge wrote:
Rumors should stay rumors and not get sent around on channels like this unless 90% verified...  my opinion at least.

Eric T.


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