And about your comparaison with Fabric. You just forget that it is a small
team of human crafting their product. How can you compare that to
Bifrost/Whatever AD projects and speak about those theoretical futur
products on your own ! I just don't get the point on bashing a startup when
working in a large company. Are you scared by what they are doing maybe ?

I will stop the flames here.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Guillaume Laforge <> wrote:

> > You're a bit of a special case in the "bias" departement, imho, given
> that you were fire from Autodesk.
> Your last sentence is really rude Luc-Eric.
> Btw I still don't know why they fired me :). They just told me they needed
> to fire peoples...
> My guess was that I was not good in C++ COM ;).
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Luc-Eric Rousseau <>wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Guillaume Laforge
>> <> wrote:
>> > Luc-Eric, you can try as you want, but you are inside AD, so you are
>> biased
>> > as much as me when I was speaking about Softimage as an Autodesk
>> employee or
>> > speaking about Creation Platform as a Fabric employee.
>> I'm sure you not saying you were making dishonest pro-fabric posts
>> when you were getting paychecks from Fabric. Anyways, I'm stating
>> verifiable facts, not making board statements about something being
>> "better"
>> Everyone is biased to the things they know best, clients or employees.
>> You're a bit of a special case in the "bias" departement, imho, given
>> that you were fire from Autodesk.

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