Hello there!

I have decided to open a collaborative website (http://www.3dwillneverbethesame.com) to celebrate and commemorate our dedication to the software currently known as Autodesk Softimage, with your help eventually incorporating all kinds of user stories and statements, galleries and the like. This is not about the company (or its predecessors) that produces the software and/or its policies concerning the product, this is primarily about the software itself and the great talent working with it.

If you like to contribute, here are some suggestions:

If you like to share "Your Story" with us in text form or in a short video message, these bullet points might give some ideas:

- tell us who you are, where you live and when you started working in 3D business
- when did you came in contact with SOFTIMAGE?
- how where these first experiences?
- did you get specialized in a certain area?
- what do you like most about SOFTIMAGE?
- give us some links to projects you were working on

Please give us a photograph of yourself, it´s always nice to see the human behind it all. ;)

For a short statement, just say what you like most about SOFTIMAGE and why. Please provide your name, your position and a photograph of you. You might also send this as a short video message.

For sending in video messages, please provide us the link to video either on vimeo or youtube. If you don´t have an account, just provide the download link to the video file (h264, mp4, mov, wmv) and we will host it.

Keep in mind this is a website dedicated to the software SOFTIMAGE, not the company that produces the software. This is not intended as a place to vent frustrations about the latter. Please keep it positive!

Looking forward to you contributions!

Please send an email with you content to following address:

Thanks and take care!

PS: To all "non believers" out there concerning the latest "rumors": no AD official stood up so far, as usual, and denied anything about those "rumors". Draw you own conclusion about that...

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