Hi Maurice,

Thanks for the insight, it’s interesting to see the figures. 
But given what you say in your last paragraph, don’t you think it would have 
been worth trying to keep things going at least another year to see where this 
momentum was going?


Jean-Louis Billard

Digital Golem
BE: +32 (0) 484 263 563
UK: +44 (0) 7973 660 119
53 Rue Gustave Huberti
1030 Brussels

On 25 Mar 2014, at 18:41, Maurice Patel <maurice.pa...@autodesk.com> wrote:

> Hi Jean-Louis,
> That is not really the case. Our data shows that in the past two years there 
> was a significant decline in both new seat sales and subscription renewal 
> (note: this does not reflect declining usage as much as that usage was not 
> growing and that users were choosing not to renew Subscription for reasons 
> already discussed elsewhere). However more telling was what was happening 
> with Suites. There has been a consistent but extremely low usage of Softimage 
> in the Suites (less than 6% in 3ds Max ECS Premium, less than 2% in Maya ECS 
> premium. Skeptics will say yes but that is to be expected why would anyone 
> use two animation products. 
> Things get very interesting (and telling) when you look at the ECS Ultimate 
> though - and remember we are talking about usage of a single user license.  
> Usage of 3ds Max is 53%  and Maya is 39% Softimage is less than 3%. So given 
> a choice users do use two 3D animation applications, they just do not seem to 
> want to use Softimage as much as they do either Maya or 3ds Max. Now before 
> my words get thrown back in my face this is just ONE data point and we use 
> many to make decisions - and like any data there are always caveats to take 
> into consideration with any given data point. 
> As to why you feel things were gaining ground. There is a good reason for 
> that. There have always been great projects done by Softimage users - some 
> recently were maybe more high profile than usual. More importantly, over the 
> past year there has been an incredible increase in activity from Softimage 
> users themselves, promoting their work, as the community rallied together. 
> What you were seeing was more a result of that than an increase in the usage 
> of Softimage. And I am not going to argue that this community was way more 
> creative in doing this than Autodesk was, is or could be.
> maurice
> Maurice Patel
> Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134

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