Agree, a good database for adresses and contacts.
But let's clean the XSI-list a bit also.
It's turned to a complete mess. There are more subject about Maya then SI.
Please Mayan, go to your own list.

Le 29/03/2014 10:26, Jordi Bares a écrit :
Sounds great idea.

Sent from my iPhone

On 29 Mar 2014, at 02:10, Graham D Clark <> wrote:

Agreed, I made an ICE linked in group that's not very active at all but has 
been a great place for a few of us to find talent.
A linked in XSI group to find each other for work and to continue threads if 
Sofitmage list goes away would be great.

Graham D Clark, Head of Stereography, Deluxe 3D dba Stereo D
phone: why-I-stereo

On Mar 28, 2014, at 3:01 PM, David Saber <> wrote:

There is the Softimage XSI Linked in group. I'm the one who created it. But it's not like 
the mailing list. There are 2666 users.  Many people subscribed to it but are not 
"hard core" XSI fans.
Howefer if a new LinkedIn group is created, what would be the difference with 
the former one? Many people would subscribe to it, and the mailing list old 
timers would be drowned in this bunch ...
i would favor a more private contact list.

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