All the script does is disable the HQV in the preferences, so only once
should be fine. We weren't able to find anything more specific to change to
fix the problem (and we did look!).

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Stephen Davidson <>wrote:

> Is this the same as disabling the HQDisplay options in the Preferences, or
> should I run this script
> every time I start SI? It seems to help a lot. Thanks.
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>> this certainly constitutes as something the dev team should try and
>> address before the next two years.
>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 7:36 PM, Andy Jones <> wrote:
>>> *April 15, 2014*
>>> Discovered by Security Researchers Gibli, Barosin, Pancres, Friedman,
>>> Akita, Jones, Panisset, Barbieri and Piparo
>>> Psyop experienced a "Eureka" moment today, when an artist discovered
>>> that updating referenced models was nearly two orders of magnitude faster
>>> when done through RDP (remote desktop protocol) rather than on a local
>>> workstation.
>>> Simultaneously, a different artist in LA encountered issues with
>>> slowness saving files in Softimage, and a quick test confirmed that saving
>>> the scene via RDP was also two orders of magnitude faster.  This led to a
>>> flurry of troubleshooting, and we have since narrowed the problem down to
>>> Softimage's "High Quality Viewport" "feature."
>>> The speed-ups after disabling HQV are nothing short of mind-blowing.
>>> For example, unloading a referenced model took 250 seconds before the fix,
>>> and only 3 seconds after the fix.  Meanwhile, a scene that took 15 minutes
>>> to save saved in only 30 seconds after the fix was deployed.
>>> One artist's wife was quoted as saying, "Thanks to the Qualitybleed bug
>>> being fixed, my husband finally comes home from work on time!  Now if I can
>>> just get him to stop spending all his free time watching Houdini
>>> tutorials..."
>>> Note that the "high quality viewport" preference that causes the problem
>>> is *enabled by default*, Psyop doesn't generally use HQV in our scenes, *so
>>> people are likely to be affected by this problem whether they are HQV users
>>> or not*.
>>> To fix the problem, affected softimage users can run the following
>>> Python command:
>>> Application.SetValue("preferences.Display.high_quality_viewport", False,
>>> "")
>>> There is still much research to be done to find out what kinds of
>>> scenes/models are more susceptible to the problem, but we thought we'd
>>> bring it up now in case it's costing others time.  Given that the problem
>>> was tied in with RDP, it's likely that video drivers could be playing a
>>> role, but so far we weren't able to find any settings that would magically
>>> eliminate the problem without just disabling HQV entirely.
>>> Psyop is on a mix of NVidia Quadros and we ran tests with a few
>>> different drivers, including the recommended ones.  We also saw the same
>>> problem across two different workstation images, in both Softimage 2013 and
>>> Softimage 2014, and on a remote worker's home workstation.  So we have
>>> reason to suspect it's not a highly specific aspect of our configuration
>>> that was causing the problem.  No testing has been done yet on Linux.
>>> We will be sure to keep this list updated as more information becomes
>>> available.  Share your stories in the comments below if you have been
>>> affected by this ~100X slowdown in performance, or if you encounter a
>>> workstation that is somehow unaffected.
> --
> Best Regards,
> *  Stephen P. Davidson*
> *(954) 552-7956 <%28954%29%20552-7956>*
> *Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*
>    - Arthur C. Clarke
> <>

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