use rescale nodes in place of the "Wrap" nodes.  Plug the scalar value into
the input value port of the rescale.

Depending on what ranges you want to have control over,and whether your
scalar values are normalized, you might want to plug the fcurve into either
the max output or max input.  Probably the max output, for most

On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 1:23 PM, pedro santos <> wrote:

> [image:]
> I face this problem regularly as I want one curve profile input to control
> several scalar inputs, but alike Reference Inputs it's always one per node
> :(
> I was thinking about this problem and remembered a LightWave node "Wrap"
> like here:
> [image:]
> Basically it remaps a scalar according to a function. and several scalars
> can be remapped with a single function through a Wrap node per scalar.
> So my question is: Is there a way to use the scalar output of a single ICE
> FCurve node and have it remap/wrap several scalar inputs?
> Cheers

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